Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Halfway done jump manual

I finished week 6 last friday and took this week off to get ready for the next 6 weeks. My standing vertical is about 29 and i can almost touch rim from a standstill. My running vertical is about 33 i can inconsistly dunk a tennis ball and i am getting high enough above the rim to start to grab it. I finnaly got plyos back in my training for the past 3 weeks after making space in the garage to do them. I have made good results in all of my wieght lifting and i deffinitley feel stronger and more confident when cutting to the basket.
My lifting stats are as follows

Beggining of Jump manual                   After 6 weeks

Squat-300                                          Squat-335

Deadlift-225                                       Deadlift-260

Power clean-135                                 Power clean-150

Hamcurls-77.5                                    Hamcurls-90

Jumping squats-140                             Jumping squats-165

Bulgarian split squats-170                     Bulgarian split squats-195


  1. Great job man! You will be dunking soon! Go really hard on those plyo's!

  2. Thanks! Will do i got some personal bests in Plyos last week so i think they are starting to work. As for Dunking do you have any tricks for palming the ball? If i could palm the ball i would only need about 3 more inches.
